ECG smart band has a procedure to monitor heart activity and test for any abnormalities. The good thing about this ecg smart bracelet is that you can get the ECG data at any time. Also, you can send the data to your doctor without ending in hospital.

Who needs an ECG smart band?

Electrocardiograms on wearables are valuable to everyone. Whether it's exercise or health management for young people, or heart health monitoring for users over the age of 50, having a smart band on hand that captures health data in real-time is very useful.

How does the smartband ecg ppg work?

There are optical heart rate monitors inside the wearables. This is a monitor that uses blinking LEDs to penetrate the skin and detect blood flow. When light bounces off the bloodstream, it is captured by the sensor. When the wearer places a finger on the display or crown, it starts taking readings. It takes about 30 seconds to complete the ECG. The data is sent to a mobile application where it can be accessed, saved and presented to the doctor. It can detect atrial fibrillation, tachycardia, and bradycardia.

As a professional ECG smartband supplier, with almost a decade of experience in customizing health monitoring devices, catering to the specific needs of various health management companies. Jointcorp can provide end-to-end services, from product structure and design to software and hardware development, production, quality inspection, and after-sales support. All smart bands have passed certifications of CE, FCC, BQB, FDA, UL, SIG,etc.

J1790 Smart ECG Band


smart bandECG PPG Smart BandECG Smart BandPPG Smart BandJ1790 Smart ECG BandCardio healthSmart ECG BandECG Bandwearable manufacturerwearable solution

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